Medication Policy
*Medication should be kept in the Health Offices. There are some exceptions as inhalers that need to be with a student or other emergency medications, but you must contact the nurse first.
*Over the counter medications can be kept in the health office for student use. A parent can provide a small container or a medication to the health office along with a note stating the student's name, the name of the medication, the dose to be given, and for what circumstances it is to be used. The medication will be kept for the school year. Students in the same family can share one bottle if the dose is appropriate for all ages. All students should be listed in the note from the parents.
*All medications should come in the original container and have current dates. We can not allow the use of medication that has outdated expiration dates.
*Prescription medication will be administered with authorization from the parent and the physician. Medication forms can be picked up at the schools and at some clinics.
*Students with asthma who use inhalers are encouraged to keep an inhaler in the health office. Students who plan to carry their inhaler need to stop in the health office and fill out paperwork with the nurse.
*Controlled substances, or medication dosages that are outside the package guidelines, will need authorization from both the parent and a physician.
*Temporary prescription needs, such as the need to take an antibiotic for 10 days after a diagnosis of strep throat, can be administered at school with just a note from the parent. When you fill the prescription, ask for a "school container" and the pharmacy will label a second bottle with the prescription information for you to bring to school. This allows you to keep some at home, and send some to school.
*At the end of the year, expired medications will be discarded. Leftover medications should be picked up by the parent before the end of the school year or within two days. Any medication left after the last day of school will be discarded. No medication will be stored over the summer.
*Arrangements need to be made with coaches or activity directors for
medication or medical needs after school.
Questions about medications should be directed to the School Nurse.